Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cut In The Nose Herpes?

When sensations are filled

The Starbucks coffee chain has the amazing average of three stores opening daily. It has 5,118 coffee shops in the United States, 68 in Japan, 362 in the United Kingdom, 30 in Saudi Arabia and the numbers continue to add 27 countries and 3 thousand shops. Howard Schultz, head of global business, raised some clues about the growth of the brand, "Starbucks understands the value of providing a constant high quality multi-sensory experience." The multi-sensory experience that relates to the foot makes the combination of elements that increasingly incorporate service areas: incentives for sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. For Mariela Mociulsky, director of consumer trends CCR group, the incorporation of these concepts in the development of marks is as cyclical as necessary: \u200b\u200b"The growth of culture spa, massage and oils responds to consumer need gratification through all the senses. Is a global trend that manifests itself in every country and every socioeconomic level to its peculiarities. Is not the same the hedonism of the upper class than the lower-middle. "While the products are split into mass functions (creams that make you" feel the silk on your skin "a zero-calorie desserts but like a cake with chocolate and caramel), the consumer experiences the most high profile also points to the multiple sensations. The Faena Hotel & Universe is one of the places where this concept is relevant. Vrljicak Florence, responsible for communication the complex, said: "All the project was fully designed on the basis of the concentration of the senses. Each space is a set: each place has its soundtrack, its particular view and textures to stimulate touch. There are a lot of research behind places. "Among all these stimuli, the first signal received is the smell: the entrance smells like a blend of wood essences specially developed for the site and will soon be on sale in its stores. In the U.S., companies like Synesthetics Inc. is dedicated to the measurement of sensory impact that generic products to consumers. The consultant works for brands of cosmetics such as Revlon and Shida and for food like Kraft. Its strength is relationship between odors and other sensory stimuli of packaging and content. The incorporation of variable fragrance is becoming increasingly important. Martin Bonadeo, BA in advertising, wrote the book "Odotipo natural history of smell and its role in brand identity" (Universidad Austral). He says: "If you take a book of psychological perception, there are manuals, Gestalt school worked hard to the track-one speaks of synaesthesia of all the senses, but in general then forget the touch, taste and smell. Hypotheses I was driving to the book relate to the Enlightenment and rationalism and how it was linking the reason the sense of sight and with man, while the excitement, smell and the woman were linked. Was always considered an inferior sense, but the odors are related much to the identity of things. I noticed the smell that was in retail spaces, is the smell of products that clean the floor. They spend a fortune on lighting, decoration, and leave the smell left to the person who went to the supermarket and choose between pine or lemon fragrance. "In its review of cases shows the Patio Bullrich as a pioneer in search of representation (in this case , class) through the nose. "It was one of the first places to pay attention to the issue in late 80s. The general manager wanted to have a particular smell Mrs. economic level, then found out what was the perfume used by the target and ordered it smells like, "he says. In recent times, various clothing stores (Mary Cher Kosiuko ) incorporated fragrances that relate directly to their premises, looking for a kind of unconscious fascination. Mociulsky provides an example that illustrates this narcotic effect: "There are brands that found that women were almost an addiction to a perfume. One of the first was John L. Cook, who had a distinctive smell. It was unclear why, but the smell was something that encouraged buying. With use, perfume and clothes they needed was going back to buy more. "

Friday, June 22, 2007

Tender Vittles Canada

What matters is

The" experiential marketing "is a buzzword among specialists in this sector. The idea is that consumers associate a product with a pleasant experience, with all the added value that implies. The Barnes & Noble, U.S., pioneered the development of space to reproduce the room comfortable a house so that clients feel comfortable buying books.

Argentine Big chains like Yenny-El Ateneo, took note and work on this strategy. Yenny branch of Santa Fe and Callao, where he was the Grand Splendid cinema, is a paradise for the application of these techniques and is home to the best-selling brand.

Possibly the most famous case is that of the Starbucks coffee chain, born in Seattle. A note at the beginning of 2004 the Campaign magazine said the key to success: go to Starbucks a 50 year old man, a thirtysomething Gen Xers and teens. The 50 worked hard to advance in his business career and believes he deserves a cup of coffee face. The 30 expected to be there to share with a friend half an hour of conversation and made the bohemian. The teenager is convinced that coffee is cool and also cheaper than going to the movies. Bottom line? The three bought the same $ 4 mocha coffee. Just who believed they were buying something different.

Converting a product into an experience, Starbucks gets millions of people spend $ 1,000 a year on coffee (do the math: four dollars for each of the 250 days a year) almost without realizing it. Last month, prices rose but until now have noticed a decline in sales.

In Argentina, the experiential marketing is growing. Are many brands trying to associate a pleasant experience and sponsor spas, resorts and hotels in tourist areas. Theme hotels linked to trademarks (such as Gancia or the Axe) are another case. Promotions that offer an experience on the street, at the supermarket or on public transport are also growing.

In the U.S. is a new word in the dictionary of business: transportainment, the mixture transport and entertainment companies such as Nortel tempted to invest $ 70 million to sponsor a train from Las Vegas to position your name. Locally, companies such as Fernet Branca (when in Buenos Aires, try it mixed with coca-cola or vermouth and soda) are moving to hire more holiday travel experience by promoting linking alcohol with a feeling attractive.

In Ecuador, Nestlé has recently hired and paint the fuselage of a Boeing Aerogal company with the brand Nescafé. This aircraft creates experiences with the product as part of passenger service. Experiential marketing is already here. Your limit is our creativity.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bathroom Color Schemes Gray

Marketing Sensory Experience, intro to the experience

We are witnessing the dawn of a new understanding of marketing. The world of Relational Services and One to One we will add a new element: the senses.

This is a world of feelings and emotions that should generate rewarding experiences. We know that gold gives more value to objects that surrounds or contains, that blue brings feelings of freshness, the smell of snuff, wood or musk reminiscent of male and softer smells remind us of the woman. Years ago there are therapies based on the senses: Chromatherapy, Aromatherapy, Music Therapy.

Nobody is discussing the advisability of using certain colors in environments to facilitate or control certain moods. The AEP (English Association for Psychotherapy) recommends the use of certain aromas to combat certain moods. Some famous advertising campaigns in Spain: the golden bubbles of Freixenet, the aroma of my home Heno de Pravia, the softness of mimosine, the aroma of coffee from Douwe Egberts coffee, etc., Incite the senses. At the point of sale use scents, colors, music ... and forms of decoration that generate feelings in line with the products and their worlds, stimulating sales. is a way of enhancing the senses through Feelings and emotions aligned with the strategy, as the raw power of Audi, Volvo safety, the "Just do it" Nike, or "spark of life" of Coca Cola, that evoke sensory experiences. To understand the importance of the senses and sensory motor, we must delve into the psychology of the conscious and the subconscious, understanding how emotions are generated and how they relate to human behavior. All information we receive from the outside world through the five senses.

All this information goes into our brain through electromagnetic pulse or vibration. The light is projected onto our retina, and it breaks down the colors at different frequencies, sending through the optic nerve to lump all the information the brain where we perceive the image. The sound will make our eardrums vibrate and this vibration transmitted through a complex route to the brain, which also stored in the corresponding node. If this sound is associated with an image, the association is stored in electromagnetic form to another node and so on. Data store, separately or as a group, form a complex of sensations file stored: These will enriched over our lives and so we can remember a summer resort by an odor, for example. What happens is that we are also able to combine, at will, all this information through our ability to imagine and create new sensations that provoke us. The ability to imagine and create as may affect both positive and negative feelings and emotions and produce pleasant or unpleasant.

N ur subconscious meets life and is the organizer of the entire body: cellular memory, genetic memory, control of hormones, biological processes, basic instincts, all belong to the memory in the subconscious. Not located only in the brain, but in every single cell of our body. The subconscious memory also powers of our feelings and emotions, creating behaviors, and giving character of each individual personality. The subconscious obey us in everything, causing pleasure and comfort and what leads to frustration and pain, and that on receipt of orders (from the imagination and their emotions and feelings), implements the physical mechanisms and mental requirements for this to be done. De ahí proceden los actos inconscientes como por ejemplo, los pensamientos involuntarios llamados intuiciones.

El ser humano posee la capacidad de asociar sensaciones, procedentes de los cinco sentidos y relacionarlas con conceptos e ideas que a su vez generan sentimientos y emociones que tienen que ver con nuestras experiencias vivenciales. Estamos hablando de psicología aplicada al Marketing. Después del paso que Daniel Goleman imprimió al mundo empresarial, hablándonos de la Inteligencia Emocional, hemos tomado más conciencia de las sensaciones y sus correspondientes emociones.

Bernd Schmitt nos dice: El marketing da un nuevo giro. El cliente no elige un producto o servicio sólo por la ecuación cost-benefit, but the experience offered before purchase and during consumption. If your marketing provides an enjoyable and satisfying their needs, success is assured. Marketing sensory experience involves creating the proper product.

Sensorial The purpose of Marketing is to create an experience, but that does not mean you have to use expensive resources. At certain times the experience is created by the simplest things. For example, Singapore Airlines offers great service, but sometimes you have to leave the customer alone, not to bother. This can also be excellent service.

T aking reference to Bernd Schmitt, have five ways to create experiences, perceptions, feelings, thoughts, actions, relationships. Perception: We are in the client's skin and understand that perceive colors, shapes, faces, auditory, olfactory, tactile, some are more subtle and are perceptions that come to us through verbal symbols and / or visual (name, logo, brand), setting a framework. Ferrero Roché is a good example. Sentiment: mood or emotional states. Moods, are weaker, and irrational (coffee awakens and encourages relaxing and exciting music, candles are romantic ...). The emotions are stronger and are generated based on experiences (love, hate, joy, sadness, pride, humility ...) and are much harder to generate. The emotions we generate them with the course of the Relationship and Service, we can not transmit with a simple feeling. A good example is Singapore Airlines. Thought: The point is to incite to think. Suggest to clients is a sensitive issue, not everybody wants it, but there are times when it is necessary, as in the case of many NGOs, issues related to ecology, other political and social values. Remember Benetton campaigns. Action: has to do with times and lifestyles, to behavior, reasoned action, personal perceptions and interactions. Nike sells a way of acting and living, with its music, its decoration, its particular dynamic and rhythmic. Value: are social experiences, which involve community feelings, cultural values, groups, clubs, collective identities, movements or trends. Such experiences are often very strong and cause individuals to collectively identify with them. The Volkswagen Beetle managed to create a sensory experience through unusual shapes and colors to which added a feeling, "you smile" and thus refers to the fun stuff of the 60's, adds an element of action and reminded generations of the time , and its relationship with regular meetings of those who have a similar issue, the Harley Davidson style. Marketing sensory appeal to the senses, emotions and feelings, the intellect. Create experiences that engage consumers creatively demonstrates alternative ways of doing things, appeals to perception. Define the personality of our products, services and local, using the senses, is the task we undertake, to go further.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Celiac Axis Compression Syndrome

The landscape of marketing communication in England has changed more in the last five years than in the past fifty. Read and prepare for what lies ahead in your market.

traditional marketing methods are losing their effectiveness at an alarming rate. Advertising, direct marketing events and provide a fraction of the ROI (return on investment) generated just two years ago.

Consumers have changed beyond recognition.

Their behavior is more complex , their media habits are different and they are more open to express themselves. Have a different relationship with brands and are less tolerant and submissive.

Previously, vendors could define their brands targeting different types of consumers. They could do a TV commercial and pass on some major TV shows, where millions of consumers they could see, and the job was done!.

Today, consumers are defining brands, even re-defined. It is no longer good enough to produce a wonderful TV commercial or anything else that exalts the virtues of a brand if the brand claims do not match the actual consumer experience with it.

Today's consumers have much more control, and exchange their experiences good and bad on the web. Sellers must show great respect if they want to have any hope to take their brands.

Moreover, communication channels are exploding and fragmenting.

The term mass media threatens to become past. Audiences are declining because they are giving you more choices, more distractions than before.

is not that interruptive advertising not work, but with a super-proliferation of interruptive communications combined with the fragmented media environment, only the best interruptive marketing can work when combined with large investments.

In the UK three billion pounds spent on advertising. Overall, these numbers increase to one hundred billion in the community of nations.

This is a lot of disruption at a time when consumers are wanting and getting more control over how and when to consume information, entertainment or any other form of content.

Television is in transition from a feudal economy of provision to a market economy demand. Multi-channel television, the Internet and DVDs are disintermediate the traditional role of the issuer.

With 45% of UK homes being multi-channel homes, thirty-two and hundreds of channels available, the hearing is being transformed from spectators to software consumers.

now have other ways to choose the programs they want, as each new digital channel forces the choice rests with the television viewers, eroding their familiar analogue world, where they were grateful for what received.

Traditionally there are ten tools of communication available to the provider:

1. Personal Selling

2. Advertising

3. Merchandising

4. Direct Marketing

5. Sponsorship

6. Exhibitions

7. Packaging

8. Point-of-sales & merchandising

9. Personal Recommendations

10. Corporate Identity

These communication tools constitute the marketing communication mix traditional but each of the ten tools has to do with communications "interrupters", which are financially costly and less effective.

several years , the Web has radically changed the traditional view of advertising and media as we knew. The Web provides an efficient channel for advertising, for marketing and even for direct distribution of certain goods and services, while mobile phone is emerging as another key player in the marketing landscape of rapid change.

In a recent book The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value With Customers written by CK Prahalad and V. Ramaswamy, the point of view of the authors is that consumers are challenging the corporate logic of value creation.

Encouraged by consumer-focused culture with an emphasis on interactivity, speed, individuality and openness, the consumer's influence on value creation has never been so big and is covering all the points in the value chain.

The real challenge is to adjust to these major changes create a strategic and mutually beneficial to both businesses and consumers. This proposal is based on the notion that consumers can and should become partners in co-creating experiences for the brands they support.

CK Prahalad and Venkatram Ramaswamy quote BMW offering a custom car, shipped in 12 days, with a choice of 26 wheel designs and 123 console options are available the Z3 Roadster.

Dell computers built to order individual have created a phenomenal success for the company, where value is co-created

Interrupt Al Commitment

Until now, advertising has always been based on the interruption.

Whether you're going to work, reading their favorite newspaper, watching TV or simply going about their daily business, consumers are constantly interrupted by messages advertising. But the power of these interruptive messages is waning , simply because there are so many around us.

The more interruptions, more confusion and consequently less power for each individual message in their ability to excel and achieve to be remembered.

No wonder then that the merchants are awakening to a new way to build your brand: n or interruption, but by commitment.

The call Engagement Marketing or Marketing Commitment, becomes a source of entertainment that extends to brands rather than interrupting communication. In simple terms, it comes out of advertising turn and get into the world of content, building assets and property of the brand.

The brands that are creating content for mutual engagement being paid by consumers as an expansion of their daily lives rather than an interruption.

New communication tools involved include ...

  • branded content or brand-related content
  • Entertainment, Properties info-tainment, edu-tainment
  • meaningful brand experiences
  • Specialized information services brands including
  • vs Sponsorship. passive sponsorship

These visible properties assume that is a value equation for both the business and the customer.

are also displayed on the fundamental principle that marketing should be a conversation rather than an interruptive message in one direction, which depersonalized the relationship and becomes a barrier to communication, just the opposite to conduct a valuable relationship with the customer.

We are witnessing an unprecedented convergence of a number of global industries, such as telecommunications, entertainment, computers and electronics, together with fragmentation and disappearance of the effectiveness of traditional media.

know that consumers are looking for relationships with brands to provide complementary experiences, meaningful and relevant information concerning his loyalty.


we know that brand owners are increasingly recognizing the importance of relationship marketing, integrated and conventional media concluding that brand is no longer the answer.

In terms of Von Clausewitz's era of competitiveness scenarios over. conventional interruptive marketing no longer has the benefit of the authenticity and therefore has little credibility.

The future for brands , must be the creation of content and brand assets.


can create a market space, generating new revenue streams, providing a greater return on investment. Create value for customers by providing information, entertainment, experience, delivery speed and flexibility of distribution.

is also increasingly likely that to create effective strategies, they must be the brand experience that allows the client to connect, to experience and interact closely with a brand.

The rapid adoption and integration of Engagement Marketing strategies can be crucial to success in emerging markets in the near future.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Spine Tester For Sale


Differentiation Key to Survival Theodore Levitt threw down the gauntlet when he said "The commodities do not exist. All products and services can be differentiated. " For him, the commodities were products in its most simple, waiting for a redefinition. Frank Perdue, who produced one of the most famous brands of chicken in the United States, I would say, "If you can differentiate a dead chicken, you can tell anything." In fact, Frank Perdue has found that people preferred the chicken yellow to white and created a ration producing the food coloring. The rest is history (Perdue chicken is a leader in many States of the Union and the consumer pays a price between 10% and 15% higher for him). Some years ago a razor blade Gillette decided to challenge in Brazil based on its determination to co-participate with them in the market. The product was not superior to Gillette, also had a lower price, the package was not attractive or functional, the campaign offered no differential proposal and did not give better discounts on distribution channels. I need not tell that failed miserably. There was no single reason to switch brands. Tom Peters proposed that we be different or extinct ("be distinct or extinct.") He declared "The surplus Society has a surplus of similar companies, employing cognitive similar people, with similar Educational backgrounds, coming up with similar ideas, similar Producing Things, with similar prices and similar quality." Jack Trout in their book "Differentiate or Die" shows dozens of ways in which companies have differentiated products, services, experiences or images in the mind of the consumer. Many times the differences are in the construction and perception of brand image, as all tangible attributes of product category have been used extensively by different vendors in the market. Disposable diapers all leading brands, have the appropriate characteristics of fluid absorption and have barriers and tape and glue off of equivalent quality. All are anatomical and comfortable and all have protective ingredients of baby's skin as aloe vera. Given this situation, the mark of ZaiMella Panolini supported by G & G Consulting, he opted to study and learn deeply the mother in the relationship with your baby and the diaper, which produced a memorable advertising campaign that Baby clothes mafia-style, speak with perfect diction and discuss the importance of "Mommy" make your dreams and not have to do the dirty work of the house. The solution is Panolini. The slogan of the campaign ... "Panolini, and the mother calm." Panolini is clearly positioned as a diaper who cares about the welfare of the mother, with great success. Nothing better for a mother, that your baby shows her concern for her. The differentiation of products according to Philip Kotler, can be given at the level of physical product (features and attributes), the service provided by the mark (supplies, maintenance, repairs), the capacity of staff serving the client (courtesy credibility and reliability) and the image projected by the brand (symbols, themes and perceptions connected). There is no doubt that the construction of a brand depends on the relevant differentiation in the mind of the consumer. Coca-Cola refreshes, Volvo is safety, is Nivea skin care and is a mom Panolini quiet appreciated by your baby. A differentiated brand is probably not a product of inferior quality and no apparent value. A lack of significant differentiation, the employer ends up selling very cheap and adding discounts, promotions and additional products at no cost, to maintain a reasonable volume of sales in the market. Business proposals are of no return. Differentiation is the point Strategic Positioning item.

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Engagement Marketing Niche Marketing Marketing

Differentiate with Market Niches If you chase two rabbits, do not hunt any. Companies focus wisely. Mass markets are constructed by the sum of many niches. If you attack a mass market as a whole, encourage other entrepreneurs to serve this market niche, meeting the particular needs better than you. Customers in a niche market is happy because someone paid attention. There is at least one company that meets your specific needs and does it well. If your work is consistent, you will take over that niche. If Although the volume is lower in a niche, profitability is higher. Competitors will stay away because the volume is too small to support two suppliers. If you "Nichée", what should you do in a second instance? Above all, avoid becoming a generalist. There are three solid strategies: 1. Sell \u200b\u200bmore products and services in the same niche. USAA was founded with the mission to sell automobile insurance in the armed forces of the United States. Over time, added life insurance, credit cards, investment and financing programs, provided the officers of the U.S. armed forces. 2. Look in the alcove adjacent members. USAA extended its business by extending services to the families of the officers. 3. Become owner of a portfolio of niche. It's the best way to grow and protect their market position. Identify new niches and Reign of them. Johnson & Johnson has become a powerful force because it dominates in some niche markets for consumption and other related markets, specializing in B2B (Business to Business). Those who "niche" are not necessarily small companies. Professor Hermann Simon in his book "Hidden Champions" gives several examples of medium-sized companies in Germany to enjoy market shares above 50% in overall well-defined niches. Steiner Optical has a 80% global market share of glass used in the military. Tetra Food has 80% market share of tropical fish feed. Becher produces over 50% market share of giant umbrellas used in hotels and golf courses. All these companies are highly profitable. They pursue niches identified and well defined that are very visible to the general public. In our area, Confiteca candy exports to over 80 countries worldwide and its business outside of Ecuador has been developed over the last ten years. Is poised to become a global conglomerate in their area of \u200b\u200bspecialty confectionery. Until that happens, a number of individuals and institutions reneged on the failed negotiations between Ecuador and the United States to agree a free trade agreement. Americans said they wanted to dominate us and end our "sovereignty." Can you imagine the niches that exist in the U.S.? It is a matter of finding niches within niches and specialize more. Time to get out of the syndrome of protectionism and weak country complex. We are as strong as our ability to investigate and innovate and that is the source of competitiveness. Hilasal (www.hilasal.com), began selling high-quality towels to Mexico in 1978. The company was founded in the Republic of El Salvador (San Textiles Andrew). At that time, Hilasal already marked a strong presence in the niche of fine towels, printed and embroidered in the United States. Its management team was in El Salvador, its factories in Mexico and marketer in Florida. The cotton used was from Egypt and Peru (the two best-known qualities of cotton.) With time set Hilasal home in Mexico and expanded its operations in the NAFTA area. Today is a Mexican company with mixed capital (Mexican and Salvadoran), but we can not forget that your DNA is El Salvador. Hilasal world leader in reactive printed towels (which lets you play, for example full-color scenes of Spiderman in the towel). Hilasal's mission is "Making the best towels in the world" ... and truth that have achieved a significant order of magnitude. So the old adage: "Those who say you can not do, do not get in the way of those who are doing it." Feeling down for being a country boy and be haunted by the largest fish is the best way to be small and insignificant. Raise your self-esteem, take advantage of niche markets in the northern hemisphere and globalize their operations. A niche in California is worth more than CAN (Andean Community of Nations).

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Cree Consumer Value with The convergence of technologies and industry, emerging markets and connectivity have changed the many facets of business. Consumers are more informed, connected, active and global. These trends enable a new way to create value by creating shared or co-creation of value. In this new model, the value is not created in the company to further exchanges with the client, but is co-created by the consumer and the company simultaneously. In the traditional system is the employer who decides what is valuable to the customer. In it, consumers have little or no involvement in the creation of value. In the past two decades, managers have found ways of dividing of the work done by the company and passing it to do what the consumer. In some cases it is a self-test of the quality of the product or service, in others, the involvement of a group of customers in product development. The new vision is focused on the experience of the shared creation of value. These high-quality interactions that enable customers to co-create unique experiences are the key to unlocking new sources of competitive advantage. In May 1999, Shawn Fanning created Napster, the first venture that allowed people to share digital music on the internet. Instead of being a classical company determined the value for its customers, NAPSTER created a powerful new consumer experience, focusing on accessibility, ability to choose and individual-centered vision of the value. The company attracted more than 40 million customers before being canceled in court for the music industry. We could discuss the legal and moral aspects infringed by Napster, but never on their popularity. The real concept behind Napster was, "I, the consumer, I can choose and use music that I like and as I please." In a way, Napster showed that consumers really value music products and want to consume in greater quantity, but their way. They wanted freely access the music libraries to select and live the experience of favorite songs by each of them. Would they have paid for that music? Probably yes, but the industry did not offer mechanisms to do it their way. Steve Jobs proved this point years later with iPod and iTunes, which have charged billions of dollars. NAPSTER history showed that the tension between the industry and consumers focused on the quality of interaction between them. Consumers are not willing to continue buying music pre-packaged by the industry, but the musical pieces they select. Consider the case of digital cameras. Represent an amazing technological breakthrough because they work without film, avoiding trips to the photo retailer to disclose, copy, and buy more film. Also, the pictures are immediately and those that are not pleasing can be removed at that time. Electronically can cut and improve those that store, print at home or see them on screen and share them with friends on the Internet. Despite all these attributes, the real value lies in ease of use, almost intuitive, without having to learn the intricate operation manuals. If the mother takes the camera to the beach, spend half an hour learning how to operate, have difficulty to get photos of their children to the computer and involuntarily delete one of your favorite photos, the company that made the camera will have created a negative experience for the consumer. Why so much technology and served wonderful attributes of the product? Mom is interested only in the quality of the experience with your new camera. Consumers XXI century dream of freedom to choose, interacting with the company through a wide range of experiences. That is the way of co-creation of value: access to the consumer experience. Steps in Creating Shared Value: 1. Define the objectives 2. Imagine the appropriate customer profile for your

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Create Value Experiential

A 80% of companies believed to be generating a customer experience above average. Only 8% of customers agree (survey of 362 companies in the United States, 2005). Is the dominant trap greatness. A higher market share, the greater the risk of take for granted the loyalty of its customers. The massive influx of money managers confused that even think that money is synonymous with loyalty. They do not realize that the most profitable customers, are often the most upset with the company. Customers are not statistics seem to indicate as market research. Survey data often confuse the manager's ability to hear the voice of the customer. 8% of customers who actually are attracted by a superior experience, are the product of business strategy with three requirements: 1. Design value propositions and experiences appropriate for those customers 2. Delivery or delivery of promised value, with cross-functional collaboration in the enterprise as a whole 3. Developing the necessary skills to delight customers again and again, such as improving processes, training in the creation of value propositions and responsibility assigned by the customer experience. Each of these three "D" requires and reinforces the other two. Together, the three "D" transform the company directed and informed by the voices of their customers. Design value propositions and experiences appropriate Beyond divide customers into segments and designing value propositions by segment, these companies design business in a unique, identifying trends in customer evangelism in favor of the company. This evangelism is measured by the difference between the scores of promoters minus the detractors score. This measurement is easily understood by all members of the organization. Of course, the experiences that lead to passive customers to become evangelists, are different market segments. What captivates some may discourage others. To that extent the segmentation must be performed by attitudes and personalities rather than by demographics and buying habits, which are not sufficient to explain the different behaviors. Vodafone is a good example in England. They left for home to categorize as they normally do cell phone companies to target in "Young Fun", "Users" and others. "Young Fun" received "Vodafone Live" is a service to a higher level, which provides everything from games and ring-tones to pop songs, to news and sports. The "Users" received "Vodafone Simply, a hassle-free service and therefore a great experience of possession. The organization realized in this way how it should create value in each case. The design of the value propositions considered the overall customer experience. They could transform their customers loyal evangelists, unless which takes into account the experience at every point of contact, such as buying, service and maintenance, accessories and upgrades, and billing. Part of the design of the proposal was the creation of appropriate conditions to deliver that value. Delivery or delivery of promised value The value proposition would be brilliantly designed powerless if the execution was poor. To begin, the leaders were MFDs and created the conditions for their motivation. Their action spread throughout the value chain, in order to achieve the total customer experience. The interaction with clients was considered an invaluable resource. Beyond data mining systems and CRM, the last test was what the customers told them to others. The best companies find ways to stay tuned to the voice of the customer every day. An excellent company in this field is Superquinn (Irish grocery chain), whose founder and chairman, Fergal Quinn, walking through the corridors each of its stores each month, talking with customers. Twice a month to twelve guests invited to a panel of two hours and he personally asked about the level of service, price, cleanliness, food quality, new products, advertising and sales made, etc. Mr. Quinn also asked about the products your customers buy from competitors and why this happens. Quinn uses the information obtained to evaluate their managers and to improve the development and implementation of their strategies. On one occasion discovered that 25% of their customers did not buy in their bakeries. That enabled him to stimulate the thinking of its employees of bakeries to generate creative ideas that will improve customer traffic. Customers quickly attracted by the aroma of freshly baked donuts. Currently 90% of their customers buy something in their bakeries, every week. Staff who have contact with customers Quinn is carefully selected, trained and treated to achieve the desired results. Development of skills necessary The value proposition can not be static, and are subject to regular innovation. The same applies to the delivery of value. All companies should improve their performance gradually and successful leaders have identified competencies key to stimulating innovation: 1. Tools that help the customer focus in planning and execution 2. Performance measures based on the client 3. Incentives focused on customer satisfaction companies that demonstrate high performance, create processes to get immediate customer feedback, focused on innovation and performance. American Express, for example, immediately called their clients to take time to activate their new cards to correct any problems that exist. What are your priority customers? If you answer "most profitable" you fall short. Equally important customer evangelists to encourage other customers to buy their products. Studying the profitability and customer evangelism, you can target as follows: 1. Promoters offer high returns (it is impossible without them) 2. Critics offer high returns (we must correct the problems) 3. Advocates that offer low income (are diamonds in the rough) 4. Critics who offer low income (you can not please everyone)